Monday, July 14, 2014

Box Jointed Mahogany Waterfall Desk

The reclaim Mahogany planks I started with.
Close-up of the rough milling.
First planing pass.
Post planing.
Sectioned with the grain flow, jointed, and squared.
The glue-up.
Three planks become one.
Checking "waterfall" grain alignment before cutting box joints on the corners.
Box joints cut.
Alignment spacer board cut, joints glued, clamped, and allowed to cure in place. 
After the first and finish sanding has been completed.
One hand-rubbed coat of Tung Oil.
Four coats of hand-rubbed Tung Oil. 
All the grain flows in a continuous pattern from one side...
To the other.

I also welded up a stool/chair to match the waterfall desk:
Added a stripped down and clear coated vintage filing cabinet for the drawer bank

Feel free to email me if you are interested in commissioning a piece of your own. 
My shop is based out of Metro Atlanta, Georgia

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